Kerri Maharaj

Part-time Author
Full-time Knowledge Sharer

I hope all beginners find something valuable in its pages to achieve a better financial future

Contact Me


Kerri has more than two decades of professional experience in the financial services industry, during which he has held senior positions in various companies. In his early years, he made several financial mistakes; therefore, he understands how a lack of knowledge could create a barrier to a better financial future. He believes passionately in the power of financial education and that such education should be practical and accessible to all.

About Me

A few details


Kerri Maharaj


May 1975


Career started:




My self-publishing journey

Nothing amazing is achieved easily.  Completing Financially Wise Financially Strong was a 10-year journey, full of ups and downs, unexpected twists, and U-turns. Of course, readers will decide if the book is truly “amazing”, but I am not referring to the quality of its content. I am describing how I feel from completing a challenging goal: to be a part-time author, balancing a demanding job and being a present father, and produce a work that not only helps its target audience but also is comparable to any internationally recognized publication. Perhaps I write this to ensure the details don’t evaporate from my memory, but it may inspire future authors in some small way. I’ll update this in parts and pray it doesn’t take 10 years to finish.

To be continued…